Palestine: One step closer

As UNESCO votes by a landslide to admit Palestine as a Member.

One hundred and seventy three countries voted and the result was:
  • 107 in favour
  • 14 opposed 
  • 52 abstained. 
Those in favour included all of the BRICS i.e. Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Opposed included the United States, Germany, Canada and Romania. The British, French, Italians, Poles and Spanish were among those who abstained. I would have thought that with no common EU position available, and Germany deciding (perhaps for historic reasons relating to past treatment of Jews?) to vote against, other Europeans were placed in a somewhat invidious position. Some would say gutless.

As the UN prepares to vote in November on admitting Palestine, this is one small step yet a huge psychological boost for the Palestinian people. The rapturous applause which greeted the UNESCO result is nothing to the jubilation which would mark Palestine's admission to the United Nations itself.

Palestine has the right to a vote and a voice at the U.N.

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